Troy's Blog

Hope you take that jump, but don't fear the fall


翻译自Jedis Wiki

Jedis使用指南 翻译自Jedis Wiki。 Jedis使用指南 快速入门 安装Jedis 使用示例 在多线程环境中使用Jedis 主从配置 ...

Gringotts - A batch-processing System based on Spring batch


Gringotts A batch-processing system based on Spring Boot and Sping Batch. Github Repository Here Introduction 在百度的工作中,自己独立完成了两套基于SpringBatch的批处理系统,用在文件处理、对账、清结算、订单批处理等场景。 Gringotts这是一个基于Spring...

MindNode for Machine Learning By Zhou


在读研之际,数据挖掘课的很多知识没有搞懂根本,课程实验和考试就那么稀里糊涂的过来了。 去年下半年学完了Andrew在Coursera上的课程,相当于又重新入了个门。之后又读了周老师的《机器学习》和当时的课件,收获颇多。 这次再读此书,整理了MindNode供后续需要时查阅。 Original mindnode files

Spring In Action MindNode

Spring In Action关键点思维导图

MindNode for Spring in Action Original mindnode files

Redis MindNode


MindNode for Redis in Action

flume + kafka

flume + kafka

overview 1. start zookeeper packaged with kafka > bin/ config/ clientPort=2181 2. start kafka > bin/kafka-server-s...

Zookeeper Notes


Knowledge tree 1. Basics 1.1 ACID 1.2 Isolation Levels 1.3 CAP theorem 1.4 BASE theorem 2. Consistency Protocol 2.1 2PC 2.2 3PC 2.3 ...

Zookeeper MindNode


MindNode for 从Paxos到Zookeeper

Coursera Machine Learning Notes

Coursera ML课程 by Andrew 笔记

Foreword 1. Introduction 1.1 Machine Learning Definition 1.2 Supervised and Unsupervised Learning 2. Model, Cost Function and Gradient Descent 2.1 Model ...

Methods for Encryption in Python


1. Base64 import base64 str = 'hello world' ret1 = base64.encodestring(str) ret2 = base64.decodestring(ret1) print ret1, ret2 2. AES # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Crypto.Cipher import AES from...