Zookeeper Notes


Posted by Troy Wang on December 1, 2017

Knowledge tree


1. Basics

1.1 ACID

4 properties of database transactions.

  • Atomicity
  • Consistency
  • Isolation
  • Durability

1.2 Isolation Levels

  • read uncommitted
  • read committed
  • repeat read
  • serializable

1.3 CAP theorem

It is impossible for a distributed data store to simultaneously provide more than two out of the following three guarantees.

Consistency Availability Partition Tolerance
Every read receives the most recent write or an error Every request receives a (non-error) response – without guarantee that it contains the most recent write The system continues to operate despite an arbitrary number of messages being dropped (or delayed) by the network between nodes


1.4 BASE theorem

  • Basically Available
  • Soft state
  • Eventually consistent

2. Consistency Protocol

2.1 2PC


2.2 3PC


2.3 Paxos Algorithm

paxos1 paxos2

3. Zookeeper manual

3.1 ZAB protocol

3.1.1 ZAB introduction

  • zookeeper atomic broadcast protocal: zab

  • broadcast based on 2PC
  • crash recovery based on Leader Election algorithm and data syncronization strategy (use epoch and ZXID).

3.1.2 Three phases of ZAB

zabphase zabphase1 zabphase2 zabphase3

3.2 Zookeeper Operations

3.2.1 Basic Operations

  • new session
  • create znode
  • delete znode
  • getChildren & getData
  • znode exists
  • auth control addAuthInfo

3.2.2 Opern-source client – Curator

  • Watcher: NodeCache & PathChildrenCache
  • Master Selection: LeaderSelector
  • Distributed Lock: InterProcessMutex & InterProcessLock
  • Distributed Counter: DistributedAtomicInteger
  • Distributed Barrier: DistributedBarrier & DistributedDoubleBarrier
  • Tools: ZkPaths & EnsurePath & TestingServer & TestingCluster

4. Zookeeper Application

4.1 Publish/Subscribe

Config center: every client registers a watcher on the server, when config data contained in the zookeeper node changes, the server sends watch-event to every client, and then clients start to pull new data from server.

4.2 Load balance

Dynamic DNS: ddns

4.3 Name service

Generate GUID: Use znode creation service of zookeeper to generate GUID (Global Unique Identifier).

4.4 Distributed Coordinator

Mysql Replicator: Use zookeeper as a coordinator to manage tasks. mysqlreplicator mysqlreplicator2 mysqlreplicator3

4.5 Cluster management

Distributed Log Collector and Cloud Machine Management

4.6 Master election

Master Election: Use zookeeper’s create-method to elect a master.

4.7 Distributed lock

Exclusive Lock: exclusivelock Shared Lock: sharedlock sharedlock2

4.8 Distributed queue and distributed barrier

4.9 Distributed Machine Deployment

Machine Deployment: use zookeeper’s Leader/Follower/Observer strategy for machine deployment. machinedeployment

4.9 Attention

Use Fencing to avoid Split-Brain in YARN. For example, Machine-A creates a znode N and is selected as the leader. Then Machine-A gets feign death, that means zookeeper thinks Machine-A is dead. So Machine-B is now selected as the leader and holding the znode N. Then Machine-A recovers from its feign death, and attempts to modify N. To avoid this Brain-Split situation, every znode should be created with ACL info.

5. Into Zookeeper

5.1 Models

5.1.1 znode

  • persistent
  • persistent-sequential
  • ephemeral
  • ephemeral-sequential

5.1.2 version

‘version’ for optimistic concurrency control.

5.1.3 watcher

5.1.4 ACL

  • scheme: IP, Digest, World, Super
  • id
  • permission: C R A W D

5.2 Data transfer

5.2.1 Serialization


5.2.2 Transfer protocol

5.3 Client

Core components:

  • Zookeeper instance
  • ClientWatchManager
  • HostProvider
  • ClientCnxn (contains OutgoingQueue and PendingQueue)
  • SendThread
  • EventThread

Create session steps: createsessionsteps

5.4 Session

  • states: connected, connecting, reconnected, reconnecting, close
  • create session: generate seesionID
  • session management: time bucket
  • session activation and migration
  • session clean

5.5 Leader Election

FastLeaderElection algorithm.

leaderelection1 leaderelection2 leaderelection3 leaderelection4 leaderelection5

5.6 Data storage

  • Memory and ZkDatabase: DataTree<path, DateNode>
  • Transactional log
  • Snapshot

5.7 Data syncronization

After Learners’ registration to Leader, Learners need to syncronize data from Leader.


  • DIFF syncdiff
  • TRUNC + DIFF synctruncdiff
  • SNAP syncsnap