1. start zookeeper packaged with kafka
> bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
2. start kafka
> bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
3. create kafka topic
> bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic flume-test
check topic list:
> bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
4. kafka consumer
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError
c = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': '', 'group.id': 'mygroup',
'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest'}})
running = True
while running:
msg = c.poll()
if not msg.error():
print('Received message: %s' % msg.value().decode('utf-8'))
elif msg.error().code() != KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF:
running = False
5. start flume
# The configuration file needs to define the sources,
# the channels and the sinks.
# Sources, channels and sinks are defined per agent,
# in this case called 'agent'
agent1.sources = tailSource
agent1.channels = memoryChannel
agent1.sinks = kafkaSink
# For each one of the sources, the type is defined
agent1.sources.tailSource.type = exec
agent1.sources.tailSource.command = tail -F /Users/troywang/log.file
agent1.sources.tailSource.channels = memoryChannel
# Each sink's type must be defined
agent1.sinks.kafkaSink.type = org.apache.flume.sink.kafka.KafkaSink
agent1.sinks.kafkaSink.kafka.topic = flume-test
agent1.sinks.kafkaSink.kafka.bootstrap.servers = localhost:9092
agent1.sinks.kafkaSink.kafka.flumeBatchSize = 20
agent1.sinks.kafkaSink.kafka.producer.acks = 1
agent1.sinks.kafkaSink.kafka.producer.linger.ms = 1
agent1.sinks.kafkaSink.kafka.producer.compression.type = snappy
agent1.sinks.kafkaSink.channel = memoryChannel
# Each channel's type is defined.
agent1.channels.memoryChannel.type = memory
# Other config values specific to each type of channel(sink or source)
# can be defined as well
# In this case, it specifies the capacity of the memory channel
agent1.channels.memoryChannel.capacity = 100
agent1.channels.memoryChannel.transactionCapacity = 100
> ./flume-ng agent -n agent1 -c ../conf -f ../conf/flume-conf.properties -Dflume.root.logger=DEBUG,console
6. run test
> echo 'test' >> log.file
> echo 'this is a flume test from troy' >> log.file
python console output:
Received message: test
Received message: this is a flume test from troy